Carbofarm generally follows the principles described in the FAO GSOC MRV Protocol.

  • You provide your field data, including 5 years of management history.

  • We apply the direct stratification method, using NDVI to allocate GPS sampling points.

  • Our sampling partner performs sampling on your fields.

  • Our laboratory partner performs soil analyses.

  • We produce a baseline report, including an estimate.

  • same as year 1
  • You record, and we analyse, the same procedure as in year 1.

  • Re-sampling and soil analyses of points allocated during baseline.

  • We issue Carbon Removal Certificates and a report.

  • We perform the 1st payout using a 65/20/15 split:

    • 65% goes to the farmer.

    • 20% remains in a buffer, which will be released at the end of the 8-year cycle.

    • 15% programme fee goes to Carbofarm.

  • same as year 1
  • same as year 2

  • same as year 1
  • same as year 2

  • same as year 1

  • same as year 2
  • payout of the 20% buffer, immediate if renewed, incremental, over a period of 10 years if not renewed.
Detailed information can be found in the FAQ .